Thursday, 14 August 2014

The Taming of the Shrew - What's Not To Like?

The Lovers - featuring Gil Garland as Hortensio/Licio; James Osben as Lucentio/Cambio; Sally Feetenby as Bianca with Emma, Ellie, Rheanne, Fred and (another) James in close attendance!

The Taming of the Shrew - A Small Sample!

A short, hand-held extract from this year's production, courtesy of Janie, this year's director, who saw fit to bring along a video camera.

Kate is played by Jill Brock, Petruchio by Rich Turley, and other actors featured are, in no particular order, Nick Crosley, Ernie Wingeatt and Ben Hamilton. 

We had a fabulous week at Dartmouth Castle, despite having to use the church on the opening night and having the second-half rained upon on the final night. And there will be more pictures and a proper catch-up in the not-too-distant future. In the meantime, have fun.